It wasn't long before I decided that I hated it. It wasn't easy to move around, it was too busy, and it wasn't symmetrical and therefore the person sitting on one side of the table got a better view than the other. When I say it wasn't long, it was less than a week before I had it dismantled.
I hummed and hawed about how I could add a little bit of Christmas into the kitchen without making the room even busier (we have A LOT of stuff in our kitchen). We also have a pretty small table, so I wanted something a little more compact.
I had some epsom salt left over from making our Christmas "mantel", so I thought I would put that to use (I've kept the bottle, though, so that I can keep all of the salt for next year!). I also had an empty fish bowl, that was part of the centerpiece at a friend's wedding.
With just a few other supplies, this...
...became this!
It feels so much better than my first try. Cleaner, simpler, but still a little bit of Christmas sparkle.
I will not do a fully decorated Christmas table until December (I'm going to try my best to hold off, at least!), so the centerpiece is a nice little transition from fall to winter.
Any big plans for anyone this weekend? Not much for us over here...except the barn is being buried!
Have a great weekend!
P.S. Once again, the epsom salt idea was borrowed from The Inspired Room.
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resumeplanets · 512 weeks ago