Always have a plan. A drawing. Measurements. SOMETHING.
I didn't do those things for the ottoman or the kitty litter cabinet. I just cut and hammered and stapled all willy nilly. And the results show it.
So, without further ado, remember Original Lumpy?
Here's Lumpy 2.0 (with his other lumpy sibling):
That pleat on the left was not intentional.
"It doesn't look that bad!" You might be tempted to exclaim. But trust's horrific. Hence why I'm only showing you a picture of it from afar.
I had bought some black rope trim to put around it. But, the following conversation occured.
Me: How does it look with the rope?
Boyfriend: ....Arabian.
So the rope stayed off, and the ottoman was deemed finished. Crappy, but finished.
My next project is something I'm more comfortable with - stripping old paint and repainting. Thank goodness!
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